CONTACT BUZWhy are you interested in CONTINUING AS A city commissioneR?
When I ran and became your commissioner in 2022, I spoke of how my grandfather instilled in me the desire to become involved in making our city better. We’ve begun to realize the promise of a better Paducah, and I want to help us push closer to bringing the projects we’ve started to completion.
While no one accomplishes great things alone, I’ve been deeply involved in the great strides we’ve made revitalizing Lowertown and Fountain Avenue. We are also beginning to see my involvement and support of the Southside revitalization taking shape as well. We’ve made improvements at Coleman Park and created an environment for substantial private investments in the former Jetton School. But as I’ve said, there’s more to do.
Paducah is in critical need of affordable housing, and I am an advocate of initiatives that are developing to encourage new housing growth in areas where demolition has created vacant lots, rebuilding in a manner that blends into the character of the neighborhood. I encouraged the city to hold a developer seminar in Jan 2024 to encourage development within the city, attracting 40 attendees with the potential of substantial new development. In a similar manner we will soon begin construction on our new riverfront development, bringing economic development through tourism and a renewed vibrance to downtown. I worked collaboratively with my fellow commissioners and county representatives to ensure our 911 system is upgraded and appropriately funded, fixing a problem that was decades in the making. In the same fashion I’m supporting a collaborative effort to create a self-funding sports park to bring recreational opportunities to our city while drawing new visitors to our community.
My grandfather, George Thomas, who I spoke of earlier was also a Paducah City Commissioner in the 1950’s. he also enjoyed serving and approached it with the attitude that you continue to work until the job is done. We’re not done yet, and I would be honored if you would give me your vote so I can finish the work we’ve begun.

Commission Accomplishments:
- Kicking off southside construction and improvement incentives
- Promoted Southside and city-wide redevelopment
- Improvements to 911 capabilities and sustainable funding for 911
- New riverfront improvements/development to attract large tourist excursions
- New hotel announcement to be built close to the convention center
- Agreement with the county to construct a sports complex for our youth
- Continuous efforts to improve Paducah resident’s experiences
- Carson Center
- Removal of the dilapidated Executive Inn
- Annexation Incentives to attract new neighborhoods/businesses within the city
- Creation of the Greenway Trail
- Creation of Skatepark
- Creation of the Disc Golf course
- Attracting businesses downtown such as Hoopers
- Promoted Sunday restaurant openings downtown
- Hiring of the first minority Fire Chief
- Making the Library fiscally sustainable by expanding financial support countywide
- Exposing the brick streets on Water Street and Market Square
- Creation of the JSA, served as a founding board member
- Liquor by the drink on Sundays
- Creation of the Albert Jones Park
- Installation of downtown restrooms
- City support for the construction and offering of the Murray State University extended campus and four-year programs
- 2-year paid tuition at WKCTC for Paducah/McCracken students
- Expansion of Riverport Capabilities
- Incentives to attract and expand barge line headquarters and jobs in southside Paducah
- Supported the creation of Maiden Alley Cinema
- Eliminated “The Set” which was a crime ridden area south of the McCracken County jail
- Supported Brooks Stadium and serve on the board
In addition to my tenure as City Commissioner I have also served on several boards that gave me additional insight into the strengths and needs in our community:
- PALS mentor Paducah Middle School
- Telecommunications and Infrastructure Authority Board
- Noble Park Baseball Association Board
- Oak Grove Cemetery Board
- West End Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
- Boy Scout Troop Committee Chair
I am excited at the possibility of serving Paducah again as City Commissioner! I have a proven track record and want to add my energy, ideas, experience, as well as my business perspective to the City’s efforts in:
- Revitalizing the southside
- Addressing stormwater needs
- Addressing recreational and sports needs
- Enhancing our resident’s experience and quality of life
My SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE will help lead Paducah to continued GROWTH!
I have been involved with many successful programs that have improved Paducah. I believe the increase we have experienced in the city population is directly tied to the forward thinking and work I was involved in while serving 7 terms on the commission. According to the 2020 Census Paducah City has experienced an 8.44% growth!
The city is re-starting many of these prior initiatives, particularly neighborhood revitalization of which I am a big proponent. I know we have infrastructure challenges, such as stormwater, that require deliberate investment. I understand the need for long term investments to correct these deficiencies, and we have begun working on this. Regarding the stormwater project – we have implemented several changes to help ease this problem, but we need to continue researching solutions. Stormwater is a long-term project for the city that I strongly support.
I have and will continue providing experience and energy to execute these programs in a businesslike manner and bring them to fruition.
In my service as a commissioner, I believe in communicating with those who elected me, and I still believe that is important. Phone calls are always welcome – just give me a call at 270-994-3873. I’m always open to listening to the ideas of constituents, peers, and city staff to come up with cost effective and workable solutions that benefit everyone. We all have one goal and that is to see Paducah CONTINUE TO GROW.

The future of Paducah looks promising, and we have the opportunity for continued growth. As a result of Covid the whole country has undergone a shift. Thanks to the “work from home business model” we have the opportunity to attract some of these folks to our town. People are comparing what smaller communities such as Paducah have to offer over the disadvantages of large expensive metropolitan areas. I sincerely believe we are poised to be even better than we are. With strategic thinking and actions, we can re-energize areas of the city, particularly the southside, recreate neighborhoods with improved housing stock through repairs and new builds that address housing shortages and attract people to make their homes in these vibrant neighborhoods. Again, I want to reiterate, we must have available, suitable housing to continue to attract new residents.
In my service as your city commissioner, I have been heavily involved in the development and implementation of the Commission Priorities. Each year the Board of Commissioners take input from the community and the City’s Executive Leadership Team to create a list of priorities – this is the vision for the community. Below are priorities I am passionate about. You can find all the priorities BY CLICKING HERE.
- New Housing and Revitalized Neighborhoods – Revitalization and improvements to the Southside are already in progress. During my earlier terms on the commission, we accomplished the Lower Town and Fountain Avenue revitalizations. We can do this again for the Southside and other neighborhoods. The Katterjohn building which was long an eyesore for the neighborhood, has been demolished and that acreage is devoted to new residential construction that will enhance the neighborhood.
If we are to continue city growth, we have got to address the housing shortage. We especially need to focus on the housing needs of young people that are starting off as well as people that want new housing stock. This includes smaller homes, patio homes, zero lot line homes and condos. This initiative supports economic development efforts because we need desirable housing to support the location of industry into the Paducah area. Additionally, I believe increased housing stock will help relieve pressure on housing costs.
We have hired a new planning director and are working on getting sufficient staff and talent into the department to support this effort. While the results look good so far there is so much more potential for the city, and I am pushing hard for more to get done.
- Paducah McCracken County Sports Complex – In July 2024 we celebrated the groundbreaking of this state-of-the-art sports facility. This 65-million-dollar project will be an economic driver attracting thousands of visitors every year to Paducah. It sends a strong positive message to our youth and families that we value family activities and we have made the investment to attract youth back to Paducah to live and raise their families. All this will be done while honoring the city’s history and legacy of Dr. Stuart Nelson. Once this park is established hotel tax should be adequate to maintain it. Once completed, the park is projected to generate $155 million in direct economic impact in its first five years.
- Stormwater – Stormwater management is a great need for Paducah, and I have supported doing it on a project-by-project basis. I supported and we have completed the Buckner Lane Bridge replacement. This new bridge allows more water to flow and avoids flooding that has been a problem in that area for decades. We are currently working off S. 25th street to improve water flow in flood events.
- Re-evaluate City Owned Facilities – I am a big believer in running the city like a business and a big factor in that success is being fiscally responsible. The city owns and manages a lot of facilities. Some of the facilities that the city operates from are not efficient or economical but that is changing. Recently the Cherry Civic Center was completely remodeled to make better use of the space, it is now a facility Paducah can be proud of. I have promoted a review of all city owned facilities and supported the creation of a fund for ongoing upgrades and maintenance of our core facilities If the city has facilities we no longer need, we should question why we should continue to own them.. We need to continue focusing on having functional and efficient facilities that will last us for the long term instead of continually patching substandard facilities.
- Trails and Bike Lanes – We have had three meetings with residents to gather input on potential routes for expanding our bike trails and lanes. I have enjoyed listening to their ideas and look forward to getting them implemented as the project progresses.
- Minority Inclusion – The city’s workforce should mirror our community. There is renewed focus on this with training, and the creation of a diversity inclusion statement. We have employed a diversity specialist and citywide training of department heads has been conducted.
If you have any additional questions that you would like to ask me, feel free to call 270-994-3873 or email me at I look forward to serving the residents of Paducah! Thank you in advance for your support.

(270) 994-3873
Donations may be sent to:
Buz Smith for City Commission
c/o Charles Moffitt
PO Box 1080
Paducah, KY 42002
Paid For By: Buz Smith For City Commission – Charles Moffitt, Treasurer